Change is the only constant in today’s world. Different business needs come with variable sets of limitations and possibilities. In addition to the traditional pricing options we offer, we provide your business with a wide range of pricing models to suit your needs and fit your budget constraints.

Integration Model

Outsourced and Managed Services

Starting a new business with limited resources, or even upgrading an existing one with an expanded capability can be tricky. In this model, we act as functional division, department, or staff member of your firm. With minimal upfront cost, we are responsible for the success of the segment we are leading in your organization.


Advisory & Consulting Services

In this model, we get into a partnership with your organization and be the ‘Rainmaker’ for your business, offering you market intelligence, branding, and marketing advisory and fueling the business development and hence, revenue generation.

Profit-sharing Model

Win - Win

This model is as simple and straight forward as it sounds! We only charge you when you become profitable! This happens according to a well-tailored agreement. The agreement is executed after a discovery/pilot phase to identify, map, and set business objectives and KPIs.

Milestone-Based Pricing

For multi-phase projects

In this model, we breakdown the project deliverables to a set of milestones, with prices charged for service provided at different milestones.

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